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      Best Rates Guarantee

      At Frasers Hospitality, we promise you the best deals at our properties when you book directly with us on our website. Our Best Rate Guarantee ensures that you will not find a lower rate on other websites or anywhere else.

      Relax, Socialize, and Co-work in Style: The Library Room at Fraser Suites Hamburg


       Step into a world of relaxation, inspiration, and tranquillity at the Library Room. Whether you're seeking a peaceful co-working environment, a cosy space for reading, or a spot to meet friends, our Library Room is the perfect retreat. With its ersatz fire and stylish retro furnishings, this space exudes warmth and charm, creating an inviting atmosphere for all who enter.


      But the Library Room is more than just a beautifully designed space. It also holds a rich history within its walls. Housed in the former Oberfinanzdirektion or Tax Authority building, this architectural gem dates back to the 1900s. As you explore the library, you'll discover remnants of the past and get a glimpse into the captivating history of the building.

      Our commitment to preserving the building's heritage is evident in the meticulous restoration of its architecture. Every detail has been lovingly maintained to showcase the grandeur of the original design. As you wander through the Library Room, you'll appreciate the elegant craftsmanship and attention to detail that has been lavished upon this space.

      One of the highlights of the Library Room is the converted Senator room, which has been transformed into a serene reading space. Here, you can immerse yourself in a world of books, surrounded by the tranquil ambience of the room. Lose yourself in the pages of your favourite novel or explore the extensive collection of literature at your disposal.

      If you prefer a more laid-back experience, simply unwind by the cosy fireplace. Feel the warmth of the crackling fire as you sink into one of the plush armchairs. From this vantage point, you can leisurely gaze out the window and observe the vibrant tapestry of Hamburg life passing by. Watch as locals go about their daily routines and take in the unique energy of the city.

      The Library Room at Fraser Suites Hamburg is a haven for relaxation, inspiration, and reflection. Whether you seek a space to work, read, or connect with friends, our library offers an inviting and soothing atmosphere. Step inside, discover the history of the building and immerse yourself in the timeless charm of this beautifully preserved space.